by James Werning God so loved the world that he sent his only Son to show you how to be...
The 104th Psalm has long been known as the "Creation Psalm." This psalm presents a poem about the creation of...
by Dave Armstrong This is one of the most famous stories of the Old Testament. Samson, who judged Israel for...
By Tim Moore How should Christians deal with the rapid decline of morality? Tim Moore: To help us answer that...
Affirming sin is not the same as forgiving it.By Scott Hogenson There’s a lot to celebrate in Christian worship services....
By Victor Davis HansonCitizens Journal History is replete with examples of nations, successful and not-so-successful alike, that abruptly committed suicide. The...
In the last few years we have witnessed a woman who drowned her children just to keep her rich boyfriend....
Pedophiles are attracted to prepubescent children and act on their sexual fantasies. It is a startling fact that the etiology...
Gossip fans are everywhere, in all countries, in all cities, and on all continents. Since old ages, people just liked...
Many Christian married couples have yet to experience a fulfilling sexuality. Yet, it is an essential ingredient for a vital...